Monday, October 4, 2010

My Windows 7 Beta Bug List

Hello All,

I will write here what bugs I find in windows 7 bets and will update the list when find new bugs

Bugs I found:

1. If IPv6 is disabled and I leave my current HomeGroup, then cannot be created new HomeGroup intil IPv6 is enabled again
2. HomeGroup settings under Share libraries and printers sections cannot be saved, so I cannot check how they works and whehter they works at all. I tryed different ways/dialogs to save them but it is not possible
3. Windows Explorer cannot open ftp sites and shows message that there is not enough privileges to access ftp site, but that is not true
4. IE8 runs each page as separate proces, but if current tab freeze and I close it from task manager all instances of IE8 are closed
5. IE8 stores last browsing sesion only of last instance closed, that is useless
6. WMP 12 is auto imported 3gp and mpg video files, but not shows previes for them
7. WMP 12 is auto imported in video library 3gp files but WMP cannot play them
8. WMP 12 is auto imported in picture libraty 17 354 pictures(this number I see if drag them in list) and it freeze and even crash if I try to open pictures library or to do something with pics in library.
9.Items count in WMP 12 libraries is unknown
10. If I resume from sleep all is working as before to goes in sleep except that network and sharing center cannot be oppened and when I click on dysplay icon near system clock in addition of network there is second entry that says identifying that is ovbiously frozen and stays until reboot
11. If some program hangs close program function on taskbar button does not work
12. If show desktop items is not cheked gadgest are added to desktop but are hidden and nothig shows the something is done. After I enabled desktop items after a lot of cliks my desktp was full with gadgets tha I had to remove manually one by one
13. WMP 12 64 bit look like 16:9, but WMP 12 32 looks like 4:3
14. In WMP 12 I cannot find the way to open only with mouse file and options manu from now playing view, but even and with help of KB is is very hard to be done
15. In WNP 12 If I switch to info center view while movie is playing, reverting to no visualization leave screen blank until movie is paused and resumed or stopped and resumed
16. In WMP 12 If I swith to info center fiew while in now playng mode after movie is finished I see movie preview windows on top on web page and even can move WMP 12 when I drag this windows
17. If some process freeze in Windows 7 it is not detected/reported by freezed by task manager as in old Windows OS and stay freezed until it be manually killed or system is rebooted
18. If IE8 download finish download dialog always goes in background, no matter that it may be foreground window
19. In IE8 active/current tab cannot be distinguished among other tabs
20. Weather gadget does not work if my regional settings are set to Bulgarian.
21. I cannot paste files using mouse right button if window is full with file, because there is not free space where to click on
22. WM_SETTINGCHANGE is not send when regional settings are changed
23. When command prompt is in full screen last line where cursor is, is under task bar when screen is full with text
24. When I run some program, and when it appear on task bar I pin it to task bar. When I close it and try to start it from task bar button it gives error and does not run until I set Start in directory path manually
25. Keyboard does not appear in devices and printers
26. Double click of device in devices and printers opens properties instead of settings
27. Webdav does not work, probably related to bug 3. I can open location via IE8
28. IE8 frquently display errors like: When a website causes a failure or crash, Internet Explorer attempts to restore the site. It stops after two tries to avoid an endless loop . Other error I got was that this forum website is blocked by DEP :) caused by some plugin
29. I can access homegroup from computer connected to LAN and running windows xp without password
30. When share some category in homegroup settings(some times it works but there no recurrency) users folder is shared as read only for everyone
31. Only printer that I shared manually from hardware and devices can be managed via homegroup sharing options
32. Setup I made for some of my programs that uses NSIS installer report architecture of W7 x64 as x86 instead of AMD64
33. When in IE8 I want to paste some text and I get message that ask me to allow or not, no matter what button I press it paste text, that means it allows access
34. I can access files shered from W7 for homegroup from xp based computer without need to supply homegroup password
35. In IE8 when I click few times on link that cause IE8 current tab to crash and auto recovery, IE8 issues message that it refuse to auto recover this tab anymore, so I am forced to press refresh manually
36. Reliability monitor is missing
37. I drag and drop my documents and computer from right site of start menu(colored) to left side of start menu
(white) and now I cannot unpin them. They will stay forever there
38. All toolbars I add to taskbar appear at right of language bar, and I cannot swap their positions easy dragging them. If I play long enough they swap somehow, but I have no idea how
39. New file extension cannot be registered, and program cannot be assigned for not registered file extension, because list with file extensions cannot be edited
40 When TWAIN scaner driver is installed, scanner is reported as working as in devives and printers as well in device manager, but any try to use it result in error message saying that scenner is not found. Problem is solved with WIA driver
41. If I want to map network drive, and I click browse button, browsw dialog freeze and I need to wait a lot before to be able to select folder
43. If network share is mapped and credentials for connection are stored, it ask each time for password if folder where file is copied require UAC confirmation
44. DNS suffix list works only for single level sub domains.
45. Pop-up notification area balloons displayed on system load did not point to correct notification area icon, because of shift of icons. My super duper desktop clock G-Clock, loads first and pop-up balloon, but then are displayed system icons and G-Clock icon is shifted left. but balloon stay still that makes it to point to incorrect notification area icon
46. Deleted files always goes in recycle bin, even if moving files to recycle bin is disabled
47. Disabling plug-ins from IE8 plug-ins settings does not work.
48. WMP 12 have not enhancements or I cannot find way to show them.
49. My shell extension that is context menu handler registered for directory background is not working inside library folders if I open them by clicking on library links, but works if I browse to same folder starting from drive root

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