Thursday, October 7, 2010

What is a Cameradrivers.msi and where do I download it?

During the installation of my new Officejet 8500 a909a the installation wizard stopped and asked for the path and folder location of Cameradrivers.msi.  The installation wizard wanted to look in a TEMP folder it had created.  Installation halts waiting for this information.  If I cancel out of it, it kills the installation and produces very limited access to the Officejet's capabilities.

This Officejet 8500 is being connected using ethernet connections in a peer to peer network of 6 other computers in a Windows XP Home environment.  I have searched all of the file and folders on my workstation for reference to this MSI executable. I have searched the system reg (REGEDIT) for this MSI executable.  I have downloaded the drivers and software for my past and current digital cameras and my web cam looking for this executable .... nothing, anywhere. I purchased this Officejet last Monday and had different installation problems each evening that I attempt to install the software.  I have contacted HP Total Care On-Line Chat for solutions each evening and spent anywhere from 1/2 to 2 hours on line with them, with 0 (ZERO) results.  Sometimes Google searches will yield results, other times playing with the issue with produce progress.  The most successful results have been from a level 4 uninstall found on the CD that came with the AIO.  I am now able to get this piece of system (POS) about 96% of the way through the installation before it fails. What is this installation software looking for and where do I find it. 

System information: OS Name Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
Version 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 Build 2600
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Type X86-based PC
Processor x86 Family 15 Model 55 Stepping 2 Authentic AMD ~2202 Mhz
BIOS Version/Date American Megatrends Inc. 0229, 5/29/2007
SMBIOS Version 2.3
Windows Directory C:\WINDOWS
System Directory C:\WINDOWS\system32
Boot Device \Device\HarddiskVolume1
Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "5.1.2600.5512 (xpsp.080413-2111)"
Total Physical Memory 3,072.00 MB
Available Physical Memory 2.28 GB
Total Virtual Memory 2.00 GB
Available Virtual Memory 1.96 GB
Page File Space 4.34 GB
Page File C:\pagefile.sys

Creative Labs Audigy 2 sound cardDisplay Adapters: Gigabyte Radeon 9600 ProHD Space 80GB 14GB free

Current Digital Camera: Samsung S730Past Digital Camera: HP R817Digital CamCorder: Panasonic SDR-H18

Distinguished Professor
Posts: 4,125
Registered: 11-17-2008
This file should usually be located in the location 'setup\Cameradrivers', and you'll find this in the installation CD. If you're trying to install from the dwonloaded file, then click on Start>Run and type "%temp%" without quotes and press OK. In the folder that opens, look for a folder named 7zS or HP, and open it, and you should find the 'setup' folder along with a 'util' folder. You can copy the Cameradrivers folder onto your desktop and point this error window to this location.

Posts: 3
Registered: 06-14-2009
06-14-2009 02:23 PM

Greetings DexterM,

Thank you for your suggestion.  I have looked for the folders you suggested using the process outlined, I found the Setup and Util folders but the Cameradrivers folder was not in either of the locations.

I believe I did find a resolution to my problem:

Description of the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility

After removing the Cameradrivers.msi using this cleanup utility, the installation finished fine.

Thank you for your help.

Posts: 1
Registered: 12-17-2009

I have an HP C3180. When it was installed on another computer somehow I installed the wrong spftware/drivers. I reinstalled the right ones using a downloaded file (from HP) of the drivers etc. and the printer now works. However there seems to be something that was not correctly uninstalled becasuse now each time I boot the computer it asks for the Cameradrivers CD. As I have no such CD I can't respond. After three such cancelled requests the demand stops. However I want to kill this startup request. How can I do that? Somewhere there is an HP file that initiates this, and I need to stop it! I look forward to the solution :-)